Everything You Need to Know About the 1911 World Series (So Far)
October 19, 2011
If you're joining us late, never to fear. Here are all the links to the most important things we've posted so far:
Infield Matchups for 1911 World Series.
Outfield matchups for 1911 World Series.
Pitching matchups for 1911 World Series.
Mathewson outduels Bender to take Game 1 (some very cool pics that match up with the writing in this one).
Baker's big hit leads A's to win in Game 2.Baker establishes himself as "Home Run" Baker with a huge 9th inning homer in Game 3.
There's not only some good info on the Series but some incredible photos as well. If you're just looking for the Cliff Notes, here they are: The Giants came into the Series with a great base stealing team, while the A's came in with a "$100,000 Infield". The Giants also have a superstar pitcher in Christy Mathewson, and he was excellent in Game 1, leading the Giants to a win. In Game 2, A's pitcher Eddie Plank was unhittable, and Frank Baker had a big homer to give the A's a lead they wouldn't relinquish. In Game 3, the Giants, looked to have the game locked up when Baker hit a 9th inning homer to tie it, and the A's won in extra innings. After 3 games, the rain started pouring in Philly, and shows no sign of letting up. Not a problem, as there are plenty of cool things to talk about while we've got a few days off.